
How to prep for a listing appointment
Having a Real Estate Agent come into your home can be super overwhelming, and often I have heard client's asking what they need to do to prepare.
Here's some suggestions on things you should prepare so that you feel ready for our meeting.
Property taxes
How much did you pay last year for property taxes?
Rentals or contract items in the home
Think about hot water heaters, water softeners, etc. And if you do, find the contract so we can add that to your listing.
List of updates and the renovations
And the years you did them. For example we changed the roof in 2015, and the windows in 2023.
Age of appliances and any warranty paperwork for them
Age of roof, furnace & electrical
Septic information
Include location, age and when it was last pumped (if applicable)
What comes with the house?
Think about the items you want to include in your sale, and what you want to exclude. A lot of offers will have a "screwnail clause" which asks that anything screwed in or fastened to your home will be included, so it's a great idea to go around and take note of what those things are.
History of the home
Are there any issues that have occurred at your home that we should discuss? For example: we had a foundation crack in 2016, it was repaired and warrantied, and here is the receipt for that. Are there any disclosures we should know about? (water damage, mold etc.)
What are your favourite things about your house
What drew you to this house originally? Will a Buyer love that the school is walking distance? Is there a bakery nearby that you love? Do your gardens flourish in the Summer? Are there great nearby parks, trails, stores, sports fields etc.?
Off season photos
It's a great idea to have any off season photos that you have of your house ready so we can include that in your listing if possible. Think about how your gardens look in the spring and summer, or if your living room mantle looks stunning with some Christmas decorations. Think about the things that bring you joy and what a buyer might miss if it's the wrong season.
A list of questions for me.
I love questions, I love great communication, I want to be here to answer any of the questions you have along the way!

Don’t worry, we’re here to help. We will guide you to make your home the best it can be.
I always discuss what my strategy is to market your home with you, however I always want you to be as involved, or uninvolved as you want to be.
Ask me any questions, and I will walk you through my plans thoroughly to ensure we are on the same page.
Thorough communication is always important to me.